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Unfiltered Story #287257

| Unfiltered | March 21, 2023

My dad has always liked to travel, even when he didn’t really have the money for it. He has always been a free spirit and a rebel. He didn’t always keep to the rules either. This one story is an example of this. My father was on holiday in France. This was in the time that it was still common practice to buy single tickets. He had come from the Netherlands by train. He wanted to go home, but he had run out of money. This was also before many people kept their identification and such in their wallet, and before bank cards. He came up with a devious plan to get the money to go home. He went to a French police station and reported the theft of his wallet. He got an official report and with that report in hand he went to the embassy. The embassy then lent him enough money to get home and on his way he went. Of course, he had to pay it back when he got home, but at least he got there.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!