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Unfiltered Story #287228

, | Unfiltered | March 20, 2023

(My cinema is one of the oldest in the country and is rumoured to be haunted by the ghost of a former philandering manager. I think it’s hilarious and have decided to learn as much as I can about the incident. No one else knows anything much about it. On this day it is really slow and I’m not feeling great already, standing alone at the ticket stand and praying for time to pass faster. An old man comes in.)

Man: “I’m interested in old buildings. Can you tell me about the history of this one?”

(I start to explain the history and get about two sentences in before he cuts me off.)

Man: (rudely) “You’re speaking too fast and too quiet! Get me someone who can talk normally.”

(It isn’t actually part of my job description and I’ve just come out of the backside of a panic attack so before I say anything I might regret I pick up the walkie talkie.)

Me: (sweetly) “I’ll just get a manager for you.”

(Jokes on him. My supervisor knows nothing and I get to go back to scrolling NAR just out of sight of the cameras.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!