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Unfiltered Story #28184

Unfiltered | September 19, 2016

I’ve always thought this was hilarious, and just had to share this about my mom. I wasn’t living with her at the time, but she told me about it.

She was living alone with her dog, and she’s always been a very nervous type of person. Her dog used to bark at every…little….thing. One night, the dog went running to the door, barking his head off at nothing, and it made her scared thinking someone was trying to break into the house. She bolted out the door, screaming “I have a gun!” (which she doesn’t) and of course, no one was there. But her neighbors were standing outside, and looked over looking horrified. She was so embarrassed, she just went back inside without saying a word

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!