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Unfiltered Story #278284

, , | Unfiltered | December 27, 2022

I used to be a caterer and she first saw me working a function on a pretty nice golf course.. I was oblivious, I was working…
I start going to a specific bank to make my deposits and pay bills, not knowing she works there or she even exists, she is just another teller to me…. she has already told everybody about me but I somehow end up going to her, but it never works out that way… fast forward a few months, we are at the same party with different groups, but we have a mutual friend who tells me I need to meet this girl as I was leaving… quick introductions, I promise to wait in line for her at the bank on Monday… we start going out..a year later I propose on Christmas morning….been happily married for 14 years with 2 beautiful kids…

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!