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Unfiltered Story #278190

, , | Unfiltered | December 22, 2022

I work for my public library and I would answer phone calls and transfer them to the librarians or circulation. One day while answering the phone, I get this lovely gem.

Me: (Public library). My name is…. (I immediately get cut off).

Solicitor call: Hi, I’m glad that I got you. My name is Sam and I’m calling back for an insurance…

Me: I hang up on them thinking it was a robotic call because I was rudely interrupted.

Solicitor calls back with a different operator 3 or 4 times and every time I hang up on them. I finally had enough and actually listened to the last one.

Me: Me: (Public library). My name is…. (I immediately get cut off).

Solicitor: Hi there, I was so glad to reach you. My name is Maria and I’m calling back about the insurance you asked about.

Me: (paused for about 3 seconds and realized that it was a REAL person on the other line) I’m sorry, but you called a place of business. Could you please put us on your “Do Not Call” list? Thank you.

Solicitor: Oh, I’m sorry. Sure. (click)

And here I was thinking that was the end of that. Nope! The next day,

Me: (Public library). My name is…. (I immediately get cut off).

Solicitor: Hi there, I was so glad to reach you. My name is Rosa and I’m calling back about the insurance you asked about. This call is recorded and monitor.

Me: Yes, you called the (public library) and we get our insurance from the city. Please put us on your “Do Not Call” list. Thank you.

Solicitor: Bye. (click)

Hopefully that would be end of that.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!