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Unfiltered Story #272553

, | Unfiltered | November 22, 2022

(My boyfriend, his mother and I were driving back home after what turned out to be a horrid christmas. His mother had been antagonizing me and calling me selfish in the car already because I didnt want to leave earlier than we had planned as that was time I wanted with my own family. It had been two years since I’d last seen them and our vacation was mostly spent with his. His parents ended up coming along with us at the last minute but expected me, not their son, to accommodate their every whim apparently. She seemed to have a chip on her shoulder about my naturally quiet speaking voice, and that I refused to bend to leave early as I hadn’t spent much time with my family yet. We were in a hotel and it was first thing in the morning when this happened.)

Me: *walking out of the bathroom* Did you put everything in our bag (boyfriend?)

(Before boyfriend can answer)

His Mother: Oh my F****** god speak up!

Me: *now completely done with her attitude* DID YOU PUT EVERYTHING IN OUR BAG (BOYFRIEND!?)

(Que his mother running at me screaming that she was going to punch me in my fat f****** face. He had to hold her back, had he not she was about to get throat punched. Made for a delightfully awkward 13 hour drive, she apologized profusely. The bridge is burned, I’ll be civil but forgiveness will take a very very long time.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!