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Unfiltered Story #271915

, , | Unfiltered | November 14, 2022

While traveling out of town, I go to a restaurant for breakfast. I don’t eat gluten, so on the way there, I munch on a couple bananas for my morning carbs, and when I get there, I just order bacon and eggs.

The wonderful waitress brings me a plate containing 2 poached eggs, 3 slices of bacon (crisped to perfection), and an orange slice. I eat the piece of orange first and leave the rind on the plate, but then I need to stop to get a tissue out of my pocket.

As soon as I’m done blowing my nose, a different waiter (smiling, perfectly pleasant attitude) walks up to me, reaches for my plate, and asks (completely sincere and serious), “All finished?”

Not bothering to hide my laugh, I say, “No, I just started,” and he moves on, leaving me to enjoy my perfect breakfast.

My only theory is that, without the usual pancakes, French toast, or the like taking up most of the space, the plate looked empty.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!