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Unfiltered Story #270869

, | Unfiltered | October 30, 2022

(Me and my friend are bored so we decide to play hangman. Note: that I’m an usually considered the smart one, her… not so much. But I guess for some reason my brain is turned off today)

Friend: “okay come on this word isn’t that hard and you’re already about to lose”

Me: “yeah i know. I just don’t know what letters to guess”

Friend: “how about a vowel?”

Me: “but didn’t i already do all of the vowels? I did a, e, i, u. Wait I know there is another one. That sounds weird.”

Friend: “are you serious right now”

Me: “seriously i have no idea. A, e, i, u. Hmm… Y? Does that count.”

Friend: …

Me: “Oh my god what is it”

Friend: *stares at me* “exactly. what did you just say”

Me: “oh my god? Oh… oh! O I forgot about that letter!”

Friend: “wow okay…”

Me: “a e i o u!!”

Friend: “chill you still need like five more letters”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!