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Unfiltered Story #270797

, | Unfiltered | October 26, 2022

(During English class we started reading a tale of two cities. Our teacher was a little interesting in his teaching methods. He was telling us about the characters.)

Teacher: “so there’s this character called Lucy. And shes like really pretty and all the men go crazy around her they’re all like-“

(He stands behind a boy who is kind of a stereotypical dude; and the teacher starts petting his head and hair)

Teacher: “they’re all like ‘Lucy lucy’”

(He continues to pet the boys head and shoulders. The boy is very clearly embarrassed)

Teacher: “Lucy Lucy hi look at me Lucy”

(The teacher’s voice kept on getting higher as he pretended to be Lucy’s loving fans)

Teacher: *rapidly petting the kids shoulders while talking in a squeaky high pitched voice* “Lucy Lucy I love you Lucy look at me Lucy”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!