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Unfiltered Story #269576

, , | Unfiltered | October 14, 2022

This happens in 7th grade English class, we are all about 12. Our teacher is reading A Tale of Two Cities to us when the ground starts to shake. None of us have any idea what to do.

Student#1: “[teacher] can we go into the hall?”

teacher: “No. Sit down and be quiet”

The ground continues to shake and we are all trying to get him to let us go into the hallway to see what’s happening as we can hear other classes. after about another 5 minutes the teacher is still trying to read to us.

Teacher: “you can’t leave, if we die we die in the best way, reading Dickens”

he didn’t let us leave until the end of the class. turns out there was a small earthquake about a mile away from our school but nobody knew what to do since we don’t live in a very common area for earthquakes.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!