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Unfiltered Story #267790

, | Unfiltered | September 13, 2022

I work for a large company that sends out many different ads and mailers. I have the following conversation on a regular basis.
Customer: I got something in the mail from you. Why did you send this to me?
Me: I am not sure, do you have it in front of you?
Customer: yes I have it right here.
Me: can you read it to me?
Customer: it says; You may be eligible to add to your existing coverage amount please fill out the enclosed application to see if you qualify for an additional $5000.00 in coverage for an additional 5 dollars a,month.
Me: that would be an offer to increase your coverage. Just fill out the application and return it if you are interested.
Customer: how much does it cost?
Me: an additional $5 a month.
Customer: I pay $20 a month now. How much would I be paying if I add the coverage?
Me: $25 a month
Customer: what if I don’t want it?
Me: just disregard it. It’s just an offer.
Customer: so I can throw it away?

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!