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Unfiltered Story #266848

, , | Unfiltered | August 30, 2022

(My dad works at a grocery store. I go there for a few items and see him passing by, so I say hi and he gives me a hug. Then, out of nowhere, a woman screens at him to “get your hands off that poor teenager!” I am twenty-one but look much younger. I also get my appearance from my mom and look almost nothing like my dad.)

Dad: *understandably stunned and confused* I-Is there a problem, ma’am?

(The woman ignores him, grabs my arm, and pulls me away from him.)

Woman: Sweetie, are you alright? He didn’t hurt you, did he?

Me: *just as stunned and confused as my dad* Uh, no.

Woman: *steps protectively in front of me and starts screaming at my dad* You disgusting piece of s***! I’m calling the police! You should be ashamed of yourself! Harassing teenage girls! Disgusting!

Dad: Ma’am, this is my daughter. And, she’s twenty-one.

Woman: Bulls***! I’m calling the cops!

(My dad’s boss – who has known me since I was actually was a teenager – overhears and rushes over.)

Boss: What’s going on here?

Woman: Your employee was inappropriately touching this poor girl!

Me: *still in shock* He hugged me.

Boss: Ma’am, they are father and daughter. They are perfectly allowed to hug each other.

Woman: My god, you’re a pedophile too, aren’t you!? I’ll sue you! This place will be shut down by tomorrow! *storms off, still ranting about the store being run by pedophiles*

(Needless to say, the police never showed up, the store is still open, and my dad didn’t get in any trouble.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!