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Unfiltered Story #266204

, | Unfiltered | August 25, 2022

My husband passed away a few days before my birthday this year. On my birthday, I received some typical birthday reactions as well as condolences but two in particular stick out.

Friend # 1 (through text message): I hope you had a funnish birthday today.
Me: If funeral planning gets you going, then sure.

Later, at a restaurant with my family, I have this exchange.

Friend # 2: I have a gift for you in my car.
Me: Oh, thank you.
Friend # 2: It’s a dead body.
Me: Bad timing.

I know people deal with death with humor and want good things for those they care about but I wish they had just stuck with “Happy Birthday”.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!