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Unfiltered Story #262738

, | Unfiltered | July 13, 2022

To set the scene, I work at a store. One day I was working 1 to 6, and a pissed off customer came up to me.

Customer: All my friends got 75% off of this article, why can’t I get 75% off? It says here that with a yellow sticker I’d get 75% off.
Me: Mam, you need to be at the cash register for that, I’m sorry.
(She hufs and walks away, but not before complaining about my co worker who left to the back and didn’t help her. I walk to the back to see my two co workers standing in the back as well. I sigh and they both start to laugh)
Me: Did you guys have to deal that woman too?”
Co worker 1: Yes, she first went to the register, got angry at (Other co worker), then asked for (Co worker 2) and then for me. I’m not leaving this room until she’s gone. She said she’d be back tomorrow as well.
Co worker 2: (Co worker 1) works tomorrow as well.
Me: I feel so bad for you.

We proceded to wait and look on the camera’s until the customer was gone. This was my first (and hopefully last) encounter with someone like that.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!