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Unfiltered Story #262220

, | Unfiltered | June 29, 2022

(I’m new, and being trained by a girl in her twenties, who has a bored face. As I arrive, I notice that in my hurry I had put different black shoes on.)

Me: *embarrassed* “Sorry, but I’ve put on 2 different shoes. Can I run to my house? It’s really close by.”

(She laughs and snickers, but agrees. I run and change them. Later, it’s near the end of the shift and I’m glad, since it is very slow and she’s not speaking. I notice that she has her face in the computer’s monitor, like an inch away, so I can’t see what she’s looking at. Then she moves slightly, and it’s porn! She’s watching PORN on the company’s computer! Lesbian porn to be more specific. I’m shocked but I don’t say anything. Later I find out that she’s left without notice, and that we have viruses. I’ve heard of porn addicts, but never thought there’d be one at my work and that they was usually guys.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!