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Unfiltered Story #258302

, , | Unfiltered | May 13, 2022

My sister is wrapping a present for our dad and discovers that the piece of wrapping paper she has cut is slightly too small, leaving a bit of brown cardboard box exposed. Now, a normal person in this situation would:

A, undo the wrapping job and rewrap the box at another angle so that the paper would cover it completely.

B, cut a small piece of wrapping paper to patch the hole in the current job.

C, cut a larger piece of wrapping paper and completely redo the wrap job.

My sister goes for option D: grab a marker and write on the exposed brown cardboard “Error 404, wrapping paper not found”.

Not sure what it says about the ratio of sanity to nerdiness in my family, but I found it hilarious, and so did Dad when he spotted it!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!