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Unfiltered Story #255608

, , | Unfiltered | March 22, 2022

I work at a big coffee chain and we were super busy since the weather had been nice and sunny so everyone needed a drink with line out the door and in drive-thru. This coffee chain is big on making the customer happy so sometimes it’s okay to make changes to orders without charging anything. I’m in the drive-thru and the customer ordered a cafe au lait with added ingredients. I’m taking her payment when this happened.

Me: Your total is 4.75.

Customer: *while handing me her card* That’s so much for my drink. I always pay around 2 dollars.

Me: *pausing before processing payment* Oh that’s because you got added flavoring and caramel in the drink. We charge for those.

Her: *in a snooty tone rolling her eyes* Well I always get this drink and it’s never that much.

Me: Well I’m sorry ma’am. *processes payment and gives her her drink with a saccharine smile* Have a wonderful day!

The thing is if she had been polite about it when asking about the price I was prepared to take off the extra charges for her but because of her attitude I decided she was paying full price. Don’t mess with service workers. Sometimes we do have the power to make you pay.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!