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Unfiltered Story #255338

, | Unfiltered | March 20, 2022

So I have a close online friend who collects board games and who had recently been struggling because his family had to put his mother on Hospice care at the start of the month. To try and cheer him up even a little I bought him a Cannibal themed board game knowing it would fit nicely into his collection, and only told him I was sending something.
Sadly his mother passed away.
The same day the game arrived.
Since he was with his mother for almost 24hrs straight it’s near 2am his time when I receive a text message

Friend- I love you, your timing is macabre as F*** but I love you. Finally got home, and the Donner Party board game…

Me- Lets face it if my time wasn’t macabre it wouldn’t be me. It’s really fun to play though I swear.

Friend- I will play it as soon as I can, I will tell the tale of the arrival, and it will be awesome

And that’s how the universe decided to give my friend a macabre board game on one of the worst days of his life, and a smile as a result.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!