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Unfiltered Story #252212

, | Unfiltered | January 23, 2022

Background: Yesterday my boyfriend (BF) bought a tyre iron from a local discount store we visit regularly, and when he tried to use it on a wheel nut it snapped. Fair enough, it was just a cheap tool (£6), so he went back in today to exchange it for something more robust. This is what happened following this (you’d think) simple request (TL:DR at the end):

BF goes to the counter, explains how he bought it yesterday and it snapped, and that he either would like a refund or to put that towards a more expensive one.

The manager refuses a refund and says he can have £2.50 credit towards something else. My BF stands his ground and says no, he wants credit for the amount he paid initially.

The manager offers £4 credit, to which BF reiterates he wants the £6 credit.

At this point the manager starts verbally abusing BF, literally yelling at him two inches away from his nose – BF didn’t go into details as to what was being shouted at him, I doubt he would have been listening as normally when someone gets in his face like that, he has to fight the urge to physically push them away. He didn’t want to get physical.

While this shouting was going on, one of the other shop assistants came up on BF’s right side – and punched him in the jaw. When BF turned to face him, the assistant grabbed BF ‘s coat with both hands and pulled him forward (as if to headbutt him maybe? Not sure but that’s how BF described it).

Now, BF is a fairly big guy; he’s an ex wrestler and kickboxer and also worked as a doorman/bar security for a number of years. He prides himself on never hitting first, but he will retaliate to defend himself. So at this point he locked his hands behind the puncher’s neck and slammed his head into the counter.

At some point during all this the police had been called (he thinks by the store owner who knows BF as a regular customer and had come out to ask why the h**l his manager was shouting at him). When the police arrive, the 3 witnesses who were shopping in the store confirmed BF had been hit first, and this was further confirmed by the CCTV. BF was told by the police he could leave the store. We don’t yet know what happened to the shop manager and assistant.

I suggested BF press charges but he doesn’t think he can because he retaliated. We know a few lawyers so he’s going to ask them if there’s any legal action he can take. I’d hate for them to get away with it though. The shouting is one thing but to physically assault a customer for insisting on their consumer rights? Needless to say we won’t be shopping in there again.

TL:DR – Boyfriend gets verbally abused and punched in the jaw by shopkeepers for asking for refund/store credit on faulty item.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!