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Unfiltered Story #250578

, | Unfiltered | December 29, 2021

This story happened when I was in senior high school. For the record, back then my high school had a program called “acceleration class” in which we were able to finish high school in two years instead of three, and I was in that program. Therefore I didn’t know a lot of people in “regular class” other than my old classmates before I was moved to acceleration class.

One day, when I was at home, my phone rang. The screen showed the words “Private Number Calling”. I didn’t think much of it since a few of my friends, for some reasons, liked to hide their numbers like that when calling others, so I just picked up and said hello.

That’s when the call turned out for the weird. The caller knew me, but she wouldn’t tell me who she was (I vaguely recognized her voice but couldn’t put a name and face on it). When I asked, she only told me that she’s in regular class, so she wasn’t as smart as me (her words not mine). Then she proceeded to call me a snob for being in acceleration class.

I couldn’t remember the exact conversation between me and her but from what I got, it seemed like this mysterious caller was mad at me for something (for what exactly, I never knew), and thus decided to unleash her fury by calling me a bunch of bad names via phone. Every time I tried to put in a word, or even asked what problem she had in store towards me, she wouldn’t respond other than badmouthing me even more.

Finally, since I couldn’t stand it anymore, I just put down my phone and let her talk. I didn’t respond, I didn’t terminate the call, I just put it down and waited. She eventually realized that I wasn’t responding anymore and yelled at me for being a crybaby (for the record, I didn’t cry, just stayed there and waited). After one more slew of bad names, she finally terminated the call herself.

I never figured out who called me and what was her exact problem with me, as she never called back either. But I often remembered that call, not with anger, but with pity. Because seriously, how pathetic could you be if your way to deal with someone who somehow made you mad was to call her, in private number, to badmouth her? For me, it’s equal to poison pen letters, and only cowards would do such things. While I would admit that I wasn’t a perfect angel and might have accidentally wronged other people in a few occasions, I would also much prefer to have that said person to come to me and explain my mistakes clearly so that I could apologize and maybe fix it. And while I suspected that this mysterious caller simply wished to enact some kind of revenge by trying to draw some tears from me, I was glad to say I didn’t cry, and even after awhile I was able to laugh at her sorry attempt to bring me down!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!