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Unfiltered Story #250335

, , | Unfiltered | December 25, 2021

(A memory of my deceased sister. I had just gotten my first smartphone, having used flip phones prior. At the time I was 27, and she was 20. Despite this, I had no idea how to run the damn thing. Then she steps in.)
Sister: Ok, open Chrome.
Me: I can use Chrome on this?
Sister:…You have a freaking android YES YOU CAN USE CHROME ON THAT.
Me: Awright awright! Don’t get your leggings in a bunch.
Sister: Ok got it? There’s your phone, messages, Chrome, play store for apps.
Sister: Yup.
Me: *a beat later*….how do I do that?
Sister: It’s pretty bad when a 20 year old younger sister has to help her 27 year old older sister set up a smart phone and learn how to do things. YOU HAVE A FREAKING TABLET.
Me: Yeah?
Sister: *holds phone out* meet smaller tablet you call from!
Me: Wise***.
(I miss days like that.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!