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Unfiltered Story #246445

, | Unfiltered | October 28, 2021

(I have just moved into an inner-city apartment. The apartments are above a store. The building owner has informed us any packages will come into the ground floor store, and we just need to check daily. The door to the apartments is located next to the storefront, hard to miss if you don’t know its there. One day, I find a notice on the apartment door, saying the post office tried to deliver a package but couldn’t. I was home all day, and no one buzzed. The owner says no one dropped off or tried to drop off a package with them. So I head down to the Post Office to do a pick up.)

Me: “Hi, I missed a package?”

Worker: “Alright, here it is.”

Me: “Thank you. Quick thing, I live in an apartment above a store. The owner says all packages come to the store. Is the post office aware of this? Or was the particular carrier unaware?”

Worker: “Is that your address on the front?”

Me: “Yes, it is…”

Worker: *interrupting* “Then they deliver to there.”

Me: “Yes ma’am, but I was told when I moved in, all packages go to the store, where I live above, and where the owner works. I’m asking if the post office is aware of that arrangement? If not, or if you don’t want to deliver there, I understand…”

Worker: *interrupting again* “Look honey, they need to know what your apartment number is.”

Me: “Ma’am, if the carriers don’t want to deliver to the store owner, they can buzz outside the door and I’ll come check. But no one did. I’m trying to figure out why they didn’t drop it off at the store, like my landlord said they would, or why they didn’t try buzzing me. If you can’t deliver to me directly, do I need a PO box or can I just arrange for pick up?”

Worker: *ignoring me and doing stuff with the other packages* “Honey, I don’t know where you live. You need to put your correct address on there, so they know who to deliver it to.”

Me: “Right, thank you.”

(It was clear she wasn’t going to help me, so I just left. The letters come through the mail slot just fine, so they know where I live. And the owner and other residents say they’ve never had a problem with delivery. Luckily, the Post Office is only a block from the building, so if I have to keep going in for pickups, I don’t mind.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!