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Unfiltered Story #244952

, , | Unfiltered | November 1, 2021

(I work in an internal-facing position at a university, but all internal employees need to spend a few hours per month helping out with answering phones. We have been remote since March 2020 and classes will not start in person again until fall 2021. It is spring 2021 and students are registering for their fall courses. I recieve a call from a very polite young man.)

Student: “Hello, I hope I called the right place. I can’t register for classes until this wellness hold is removed from my account, but the wellness center said they won’t remove the hold unless I provide proof that I got my third round of vaccinations. Last year I had the same problem because I hadn’t gotten my second vaccinations yet, and the wellness center removed the hold so I could register for classes and then send them proof that I got vaccinated. I don’t know why they won’t do the same thing this year. Can you help me with this?”

Me: “I will certainly try! Do you mind if I place you on a brief hold while I check with my supervisor to see if we can override it and get you registered?”

Student: “That would be great, thank you!”

(I put the student on hold and make a post in our office-wide group chat which is designated for these types of questions. I am told that only the wellness center can remove a wellness hold and there isn’t anything we can do if they refuse to remove it.)

Me: “Thank you so much for holding. Because it is a wellness hold, I am unable to override their decision. If you’d like, I can connect you to them to discuss it again?”

Student: “That would be great! Oh, wait- sorry, hold on-”

(I hear a woman’s voice in the background and some shuffling noises, then someone new starts speaking.)

Woman: “This is [Student]’s mother. I have to say that this is completely unacceptable. He is a good boy, he gets all his work done and is on the dean’s list every semester, he works hard, he has a scholarship. He’s a senior for pete’s sake. If he doesn’t get registered then it will ruin his entire degree. This is simply unacceptable.”

Me: “Ma’am, I completely understand your frustration. I am not sure why the wellness center would not remove the hold if they did it last year; it may have been a change of policy. We definitely do not want your son’s education to be hindered by this, so I will see what I can do to remedy it.”

(I was going to ask if I could place her on hold but figured that would just make her angrier, so I let her continue to rant at me while I messaged my colleagues asking what I should do. They replied that it is simply out of our hands and I need to get her to the wellness center. When the woman finally reaches a lull, I interject.)

Me: “I would be happy to connect you to the wellness center so you can discuss this with them. Is that alright?”

Woman: “Aren’t they closed now?”

Me: “Our offices are open for another six minutes so if I transfer you now, you can still catch them.”

Woman: “Okay, fine. Transfer me now. This is so unacceptable.”

(I managed to get her transferred to the right department with just two minutes before the official end of the work day. Parents of college students, please, let your ADULT offspring handle these things themselves, and if you must interfere, don’t scream at someone who has no control over the situation.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!