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Unfiltered Story #244131

| Unfiltered | September 19, 2021

I’m the dumb one in this story.
I went to go upgrade my phone to a better model. The salesman was very helpful and informative, and things were going smoothly. I had been reading a lot of stories on Not Always Right, so I was joking with the salesman about dumb customers. We finally got to the point where I was setting up my google account on my new phone, and the conversation was still on dumb customers:
Me: “So, has anyone asked you to look up their passwords for them, or anything like that?”
Salesman: “Oh, all the time. It’s crazy how many people don’t know their passwords. So here’s your new phone, just go ahead and type in your password to sign in – you do know it, right?”
I knew he was joking, and we laughed as I went to type in my password – and it was wrong.
Me: “Um, I uh… It wasn’t right.”
Salesman: “So… you don’t know your password?”
Me: “No, I swear I do! Maybe I just typed it wrong, let me try again.”
Still wrong.
Me: “This is so weird, I don’t know why this is happening.”
It was embarrassingly ironic. Thankfully, it was only about a minute before I remembered –
Me: “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I updated my google password last week! Let me try the new one.. There! It works!”
The salesman breathed a sigh of relief and finished getting my new phone set up. I thanked him, and left happy, though still a bit embarrassed.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!