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Unfiltered Story #243925

, , | Unfiltered | September 15, 2021

(I’m working alongside the manager and a friend. I’m scooping some mashed potatoes for a customer. My friend who is also working the same shift with me has some guy friends sitting in the dinning area right in front. The guys are just sitting around, hanging out, just talking to each other. One of them comes up to me. The guy is African-American, tall and skinny.)

The guy: “Hey, is you married?”
Me: *looking shocked and confused* “What?!”
The guy repeats the question.
Me: *looks at my friend and then the manager, still shocked and confused*
The manger: “I’m sorry she is currently working, she will answer when she is done with her shift.”

(The guy apologies and goes back and sits down with his friends. The manager goes to the back to do something. I looking over to my friend and she tells me how he was indicting that he wanted to have s** with me.

Later, before me and my friends shift ended, she brought me outside to talk to him. Then I went back to work after that. Nothing ever happened between him and I. )

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!