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Unfiltered Story #241017

, , | Unfiltered | August 4, 2021

I’ve just finished my first year of college. My parents came to pick me up and drive me home (a two day trip), leaving my brother, who is only a year younger than me, in charge of the house and the dog. We’ve had a few problems with vandals with a grudge against us (parents are both math teachers, brother hangs out with the wrong kind of people) egging our house and attacking our car, covering it with things like ketchup, saran wrap, toilet paper and canned meat, so we’re nervous about what we’ll find when we get back.

The car’s fine, which is a relief, but the house reeks of booze. My idiot brother had decided to throw a house party while we were away. He’d cleaned it up so well that we almost didn’t notice, but there was nothing he could do about the smell; there was no way he could go through that much booze in such a relatively short time. Even my bedroom didn’t escape the partying; apparently, someone else had been sleeping in there, because my sheets utterly reeked of alcohol. He got grounded, and mom and dad made sure to check and make sure their room didn’t get violated too.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!