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Unfiltered Story #239464

, | Unfiltered | July 16, 2021

I’m the unusual customer in this. In the days before smartphones, I had a small cellphone which I hardly ever used or took with me. Most of the time I didn’t even know where it was. So when I really needed it, I had to search through every purse, drawer and jacket to find it again. One time it was just nowhere to be found and I realized that I must have lost it somewhere. It had been cheap and was old and prepaid with only a small amount of money on it so I didn’t really care much. Sometime later, when I was at the movie theatre with friends I got the idea that MAYBE I had lost my phone there and MAYBE they found it and still had it. So I asked the girl at the counter for it. She took a large box with all kind of stuff in it from under the counter and started rummaging around while I described my phone and the stickers on it so she would know it was really mine.
Girl: I don’t have much hope. We put everything we find into this box, but if another guest found it they might have kept it.
Me: That’s ok, I’m not even sure I lost it here. It could have been anywhere.
After a minute she held up a phone. My phone! It had a note stuck to it.
Girl: Is this yours?
Me: Yes its mine thank you so much! This is awesome! I thought I had lost it for good.
Girl: Yeah, this thing has been here for… (looks at note) …huh?… (looks again, eyes go wide, looks at me with disbelieve) …for more than THREE MONTH? (laughs)
Me: Yes that fits
Girl: And you waited THAT LONG to ask for it?
Me: Well, until a few weeks ago I didn’t even realize I lost it. (shrugs).
I took my phone, thanked her again and skipped off, leaving her to tell her colleagues about that weird girl that had lost her phone for month without even noticing or giving a damn. I probably made her night.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!