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Unfiltered Story #239440

, , | Unfiltered | July 14, 2021

I work as a cashier at a small-town grocery store. When someone buys certain types of produce, my register prompts me to enter a quantity. A well-dressed lady in her early thirties approaches my register with a produce bag containing exactly four ears of corn. I enter the produce code and, when prompted by the computer, type a three.
Corn Lady: B***h, I have four ears of corn. Put a four.
*I turn on my Disney Princess customer service voice, which is reserved for customers I want to strangle*
Me: It looks like there are only three ears of corn in your bag, Ma’am. Would you like me to grab you another?
*The bin of corn is only three yards away.*
Corn Lady: I’m not about to pay for FIVE! Are you trying to cheat me?
Me: I am not trying to cheat you. I simply want to make sure that you don’t pay for corn you aren’t buying.
Corn Lady: *jabbing a finger at my computer screen* Four. Four. Four.
Me: Unfortunately, it seems that there are only three ears of corn in this bag. *The lady stares at me blankly, so I pull the ears of corn out of the bag one at a time and hold them up for her as I count.* One. Two. Three. Would you like me to grab you a fourth ear of corn?
Corn Lady: *Leaning over the counter like she might try to grab me* FOUR, YOU STUPID C**T!
*Not wanting to be assaulted, I call for a manager over the intercom*
Manager: *To me* What is it?
Me: She has three ears of corn here, but she wants me to charge her for four.
Corn Lady: Because I have four, b***h.
*The manager repeats the steps I went through, counting the corn for the lady and offering to fetch her a fourth ear of corn. She becomes increasingly loud and profane, directing all her ire toward me.*
Manager: *Quietly, to me* Just charge her for four so we can get her out of here.
*I do*
Corn Lady: Ha! He told you, b***h! That’ll teach you to try and cheat people!
Me: Thank you, Ma’am! Have a lovely day, and take care!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!