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Unfiltered Story #213127

, | Unfiltered | October 27, 2020

( I am the author of “Mouse Versus Evil.” This occurred about three months after those incidents. A woman, who looks somewhat similar to the customer in the previous story, flounces into the shop, a ball python around her neck. )

Woman: “Well, hello darling! I simply MUST have one of your snakes, a pretty one. Like this one!” She points to the snake around her neck. I’m a little sketched out.

Me: “Sure, ma’am, I do have multiple colors of blood python. What about a banana python?”

Woman: “Oh, honey, thank you! That’ll look just WONDERFUL with my new white dress!”

Me: “Er… Ma’am, you do have the proper habitat, correct?” I list a few items and brands necessary.

Woman: “Oh, dear, you didn’t go to school, did you?? This old thing lives in a shoebox, and my sister brings me live mice that live in her house. Sometimes she buys them from [ Chain ]. Oh, it’s so fun to watch them eat! Hey, aren’t you the prick who wouldn’t sell her a feeder mouse or somethin’? Yeah, Uncle Mike got her a mousey from here and she took pictures, ya know?”

( She begins laughing, and I am frozen with pure fury. The mouse has since died, only a little over a month after the incident. He suffered spine issues due to being so carelessly dangled by his tail. )

Me: “Ma’am, please exit my store.”

Her: “Excuse me? Honey, I must’ve misheard ya, ya know?”

Me: “NOW.”

( She looks shocked, but turns and walks out, snake around neck. An hour later, the woman’s sister enters the store, a dog in tow, same one from one of the images. )

Sister: “Hey again, b****!! Remember me? You got me arrested!! I just wanted to watch my snake eat a mouse because it’s funny, and I spent a month in the slammer! Anyway, gimme a banana python is whatever. And it’s GOING to be free, or I’ll ruin you and your pest infested shop!”

Me: “Get the f*** out of my store before I kick your sorry a**.”

( She quite literally screams at the top of her lungs, flushes with anger. She suddenly reaches over the counter and slaps me. I’m a pretty big guy, but I’m a real softie, so I just back away from the counter. That is until she turns to her poor dog and kicks it in the ribs. I lunge forward, grabbing her arm, while one of my employees calls the police. I hold her while she takes at my arm with her nails, screaming to let her go. When the police arrive, my arm is bleeding pretty bad, and they swiftly detain us both. We explain our stories, and I’m released from cuffs. I show them the store footage of her kicking the dog, slapping me, and making threats, and she is arrested, given a while of community service, plus has her pets taken and is banned from owning them. They also investigate the sister, who it turns out really does abuse her snake, her only pet, and before I know it, I’ve managed to re-home all of the pets. I did ban the sisters and their uncle, who entered the store and tried to threaten me. The woman has had to be arrested several times for breaking a store window, entering my store without permission, and actually trying to grab someone’s dog from their arms in my store. I hope she is killed by an animal when she dies. Irony and karma. )

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!