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Unfiltered Story #212829

, | Unfiltered | October 20, 2020

My friend, a computer major, and I are remotely controlling my laptop in my dorm from the dorm lobby. My phone rings.

Roommate: Something really spooky is happening! Your dorm computer started browsing the internet and then started playing minesweeper all on its own! *door slam* What’s going on?
Me: Uh… just come to the lobby?

My roommate comes running with her own laptop in tow, cords dangling. She sees me and my friend with a laptop that is showing the same screen as the one in my dorm, with an extra control window.

Roommate: Huh??? *small voice* remote???
She makes a big show of rolling her eyes and flopping to the ground.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!