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Unfiltered Story #186888

, | Unfiltered | February 15, 2020

This guy comes in.

“Got any rock?”

I ask out back, we got any rock salmon? Because we don’t always have some. They say yeah so I say yeah we got some rock.

“Okay, I’ll have two rock. two large chips, one mushy peas and a curry sauce.”

So I say, “ok, that’s £12.40, but it takes some time, do you want to wait?”

He says yes, and he pays, and sits down to wait, then after a few minutes she calls from out back, we don’t have any rock salmon.

“Sorry, we don’t have any rock after all,” I say to him.

So he gets up, smiles at us, puts on a dopey face, says “sorry for the trouble,” and walks out before we got a chance to say, don’t you want anything else, don’t you want your money back?

Never seen him again.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!