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| Right | April 15, 2016

(I work at the reception of a camping site. As I’m handling one client, another one asks for the wireless password.)

Client: “Do you have a wifi?”

Me: “Yes, right over there.”

(I point to a glass bowl in which we keep pieces of paper with the password of the wlan written on. I finish with the other customer and turn to the lady, who is still standing at the desk, looking concerned.)

Me: “So, it’s fairly slow, and it works when it wants to, but at least it’s free.”

Client: “Sorry, what did you say?”

Me: “Only that the wireless is really slow, but it’s free and sometimes it works.”

Client: “Oh! Oh! I read this sign and it said 65 €, and I thought, wow, that’s kind of expensive!”

(Turned out she had been reading the price list with the prices of accommodation and camping with us. We laughed it off as she gratefully took a free password.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!