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(Wed)Locked On Target

| Friendly | August 6, 2014

(My best friend and I have gone together to a theme park in June. It’s a few weeks before schools are due to break up. We are both 25, but my friend is very petite and is frequently mistaken for a 12 year old. When out together, I’ve been mistaken for her mother more than once. Whilst we’re eating a woman walks past and glares at me.)

Woman: *to me* “You should be ashamed of yourself!”

Me: “Excuse me?”

Woman: “Taking your daughter out of school to take her to a theme park! You can be fined for that, you know, or even jailed!”

Me: “Ma’am, I think you—”

Woman: “And you must have had her when you were a TEENAGER! Teenage pregnancies outside of wedlock! What a disgrace! This country is going to the dogs.”

(She continues on in a similar vein, drawing stares from others around us. I’m opening my mouth to protest again when my friend cuts in.)

Friend: “Oh, for f***’s sake, lady! I’m 25, and so is my friend. I’m not a tween, or a truant, or any of that other crap, and she isn’t a teenage mother! So, how about you go away and let us eat our food in peace!”

(The woman turned very red. She mumbled an apology, and then walked away.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!