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Unlimited Capacity To Be Annoying

| Right | February 24, 2015

(I am working at a high end outlet store, welcoming customers, when the power unexpectedly cuts out. Most of the customers are understanding of this when we ask everyone to please leave the store and offer to hold items behind the register until the power comes back and we can ring people out.)

Customer: “These are MY items; you can’t steal them from me. I am going to BUY them.”

Me: “Yes, ma’am, but we cannot check you out without power.”

Customer: “Why not? You can’t add prices without the cash register?”

Me: “Ma’am, you have over $4000 dollars worth of merchandise here. Do you have that much cash?”

Customer: “Ugh, no one carries that much cash. I have a credit card. Unlike SOME people I have an UNLIMITED card.”

Me: “Yes, ma’am, but I cannot run your card with no power. If you will please give me your items, I will hold them here. We need to vacate the store now, please.”

Customer: “It’s an UNLIMITED CARD. Do you understand what that means? It means I CAN’T be denied! UNLIMITED!”

Me: “Yes, ma’am, but I still have to run the card. Please give me your items.”

Customer: “NO! You’re going to steal my things. I have an UNLIMITED CARD!”

(Finally my manager and a security guard were able to get her out of the store until power was restored. The best part? When she came back to buy her items, her card was declined.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!