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This One Definitely Needs Decaf

| Right | September 16, 2013

(I’m a customer at a popular coffee chain. I overhear the following exchange between the cashier, who has been there for years, and a customer.)

Cashier: “Hello, sir, what can I get for you?”

Customer: “Yes, I’ll have a decaf latte, with caffeine.”

Cashier: “Okay… so a regular latte?”

Customer: *impatiently* “No, a decaf latte with caffeine.”

Cashier: “Sir, ‘decaf’ means ‘less caffeine.’ If you want caffeine, you want a regular latte.”

Customer: “S***, was I saying caffeine? I meant with caramel. I’m an idiot.” *loudly to the rest of the line* “Don’t be an idiot like me, people!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!