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The Customers Beyond The Wall

, | Right | February 21, 2016

(I work in a very specific area of the computer software services industry that can be very complicated to people who are new. Consistently, my organization is ranked as one of the top partners for one of the software giants. In addition, we have dozens of videos, case studies, and employees, including the executives and many consultants, listed within our website. I monitor the customer chat for our site.)

Me: “Hello, [Customer]. Can I help you with anything today?

Customer: “Your website tells me nothing about the personnel managing your company. Who is the head? Who are the consultants?”

Me: “Can I ask why you need the information?”

Customer: “25 years of experience in what?”

Me: “Or where specifically? We have hundreds of consultants.”

Customer: “If you need to be top secret and don’t allow potential customers to know who they are doing business with then I should look at a company that is more open. Do you have criminals at the top of the organization?”

Me: “We don’t try to hide our information. We’re more than welcome to share if you have a specific need. I can only speak for myself, but as far as I know, there are no criminals here.”

Customer: “No names, no background information as to what they have done to call themselves a consultant. Sounds sketchy to me.”

Me: “Would you like to view a few of our case studies? Or you can find a specific location with detailed information with the names of the local team members.”

Customer: “Let me call [Software Partner] to find someone who is a little more forthcoming.”

Me: “I don’t think I’ve withheld anything from your requests”

Customer: “I am going to ask [Software Partner] why you guys are hiding behind a giant wall.”

Me: “…to keep away the White Walkers, sir”

System: “Visitor exited chat.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!