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Cell Mates

| Related | August 9, 2014

(My friend and I are babysitting my very young brother. We are 12 at the time and my brother is three. My brother is also clearly adopted.)

Friend: “You guys are sharing ice cream? Eww!”

Me: “That’s okay. He’s my brother. We’re made out of the same things.”

Friend: “Whaa?”

Me: “Cells!”

Treating Them Warm Gets A Cold Treat

| Working | July 16, 2014

(I am 10 years old and my brother is a year younger. My grandparents take us to a dairy to get ice creams.)

Me: “Can I please have a scoop of vanilla and one of chocolate, please?”

(My brother also orders. My grandparents pay and the cashier makes the ice creams and hands them to us.)

Brother & Me: “Thank you.”

Cashier: “Wait. Can I please have your ice creams back for a moment?”

Me: “Okay…”

(We hand over the ice creams. The cashier takes mine and adds an extra scoop, and then does the same for my brother.)

Cashier: “There you go. You know, you are the only people to say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ all day.”

Me: “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Some Requests Just Take The Cake

| Right | May 27, 2014

(I take a request on a phone call.)

Me: “We can only make small round, large round, and small rectangle cakes, sir. We cannot make large rectangles.”

Caller: “Okay, so is it possible for me to have a cake made by Sunday? Mother’s day?”

Me: “We can have any cake ready for you by Mother’s day. Yes, sir!”

Caller: “Any cake? I thought you just said that you can’t make large rectangles cakes.”

Me: “We can’t, like I just said, sir.”

Customer: “So, let me get this straight. You can make ANY cake except the large rectangle?”

Me: *face-palm*

Be The Change You Want To See

, | Right | April 10, 2014

(I’m picking up my son from elementary school when he asks for ice cream. The man selling outside is in his 50s-60s and pushing an ice cream cart in 100+ degree weather. There’s a 10 year old boy with his 5 year old sister ahead of us.)

Girl: “I want that one”

Boy: “How much is that?”

Ice cream Man: “$1.50”

Boy: *to sister* “We only have two dollars.”

Sister: “I want that one.”

(She points to another that also turns out to be $1.50, this goes on for another three times until the man finally sells them for $1 instead of $1.50.)

Boy: “I’ll take two.”

(The man’s expression seems like he can’t afford to lose a penny but he gives it to them anyway.)

Son: “I’ll take that one.”

Ice Cream Man: “That’s $1.00.”

(I hand him $3.00 and tell him it’s to cover the kids in front of us. The man seems so relieved it made me wish I had more change.)

Hashtag STFU

| Right | April 4, 2014

(I’m scooping ice cream when four girls approach, probably in their early teens. One girl doesn’t look up from her cellphone the entire time.)

Girl #1: “Like, O-M-G. We should totes get ice cream.”

Girl #2: “We should! Hashtag delicious!”

(At this point I sort of do a double take as I have never heard anyone use ‘O-M-G’ and ‘hashtag’ in an actual sentence. )

Girl #3: “Totes hashtag guilty pleasure. Hashtag favourite food.”

Girl #1: “O-M-G . What flavors should we get? Hashtag decisions!”

Girl #3: “Hashtag double scoops. Hashtag muffin top! Let’s each get two scoops! We’re soooo bad!”

(They proceeded to get their ice cream and then I witnessed them all smooshed together outside the store taking selfies with their ice cream cones, all while making a duck face. I needed to take a break after that to regather my faith in humanity.)