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Same-Sex Of Humor

| Romantic | May 26, 2014

(I am in a same-sex relationship and have just applied for a teaching job at a private Catholic high school in my area. While I am a confirmed Catholic, I’m researching whether or not I can be open about my sexuality should I work at the school. I find the student handbook and stumble across the dress code.)

Me: “Huh. I guess that male students have to be clean-shaven. They’re allowed sideburns, but only above the ear.”

(My girlfriend is out of the room as I announce this, so I just assume she hasn’t heard me until she walks back in.)

Girlfriend: “So I heard a little bit of what you were saying. That must mean you’d have to be out if you taught there.”

Me: “Wait, what do you mean I’d have to be out? What are you talking about?”

Girlfriend: “Well, you can’t have a beard!”

(I proceeded to put my face in my hands as my girlfriend gleefully cavorted around the apartment, extremely proud of her joke.)

Early Bird Gets The Worm

| Romantic | May 26, 2014

(I turn to my husband while half asleep.)

Me: “Will you hold my wiggly worm?”

(I reached out my hand to him as if I were dangling a worm. He held out his hand palm-up and accepted the imaginary worm, and I went back to sleep. He sat there for a few seconds holding his hand that way until he remembered there wasn’t really a worm!)

Stay In Good (One-Night) Standing

| Romantic | May 26, 2014

(I’m at home one night while my boyfriend has gone out drinking with some friends, which he very rarely does. Two hours after he leaves, he texts me.)

Boyfriend: “I’m too unsingle to be here.”

Me: “I’m very sorry about that, but in order to fix it there would have had to be one-night-only contracts drawn up and release forms signed beforehand.”

Boyfriend: “Hm. Sounds like a lot of work. Next time I’m staying home with you.”

Has No In-game Game

| Friendly | May 26, 2014

(I’m playing a game online that you can play with others worldwide. I’m a girl in real life. A message from another player pops up.)

Player: “I hate people like you! F**s!”

Me: “What are you talking about?!”

Player: “You f**s wish you were girls so you play one online!”

Me: “Dude, I am a girl in real life! That’s why I chose to be a girl here!”

Player: “… Oh. How’re you doing? Can I get your number?”

Me: “No!”

(He was ignored.)

Bird-Brained Birds And Bees

| Friendly | May 26, 2014

(My friend and I are chatting about my fertility problems. She tends to be a bit of an airhead, but I love her anyway.)

Me: “So, that’s the trouble. We keep trying, but we just can’t seem to make it happen.”

Friend: “You do know how, right?”

Me: “Seriously?”

Friend: “What? No! I mean – like, if it’s a good time. I swear, I’m not asking if you know how to… you know…”