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Nutty Nativity

| Right | December 26, 2014

(We had just finished putting up Christmas trees and decorations around the library, and I was taking work photos.)

American Tourist: “Oh, my god. What lovely trees. They look magnificent.”

Me: “Thanks.”

American Tourist: “Are you all going to put up a nativity scene as well?”

Me: “No. Unfortunately not.”

American Tourist: “Why not?”

Me: “Council directives.” *glancing around and whispering* “Council has directed us not to put up Christian related symbolism and displays.”

American Tourist: “And why the h*** not?”

Me: “Well, unfortunately, Christianity has a bit of a bad image in the eyes of some of our patrons due to perceived injustices, abuse, persecution, and so forth, from people they assume are acting under the name of God. I myself have had bad experiences with some evangelists, but I do not hold it against the religion personally.”

American Tourist: “That’s sad to hear.”

Me: “Funny thing is, it only applies to Christian displays.”

American Tourist: “What do you mean?”

Me: “If I want to put up a three-meter tall Buddha for Wesak day, I am allowed to turn this library into a Buddhist temple. If we wanted to splash out on a Divali display, we can drag in a giant blue statue of Krishna that can fill the mezzanine area. But a nativity scene, nope. Not allowed.”

American Tourist: “That’s discrimination.”

Me: “I know. Tell me about it. I think it’s unfair and discriminatory, and I’m not Christian. We’ve tried to get Council to back down, but have failed for the last five years. But I suppose if enough customers complain…”

American Tourist: “Ah… right. So where can I find some comment forms?”

Me: *points it to her*

American Tourist: “Right. I’ll get to it in a minute. Can I take photos? The trees are lovely.”

Me: “Usually, no. But what the hey, it’s the holidays, so one or two I suppose.”

American Tourist: “Thanks!”

(Suddenly, a local patron comments loudly between the both of us and points at the Christmas trees.)

Local: “Holy Jesus and Lord. Such displays of idolatry. Such sinful displays here in a public space. Jesus will be spinning in his grave to see such displays.”

(Both of us stand there silent for a minute or two.)

American Tourist: “You know what, dear? I’m not going to put in that complaint. Maybe the Council has a fair point after all.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!