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Made A Naboo-boo

| Learning | July 4, 2015

(I’m attending a lecture by one of my favorite teachers, in an exceedingly cold auditorium. Sitting near the front, I can see what he cannot: a man in a rubber Jar-Jar Binks mask, lurking at the back of the stage. He goes on with the lecture, unaware, while everyone else is whispering and pointing.)

Teacher: “All right, guys, what’s up?”

Jar-Jar Guy: “Uh… Ex-squeeze me!”

(He dashes past the teacher and out the door.)

Teacher: “Um… What?!”

(Luckily, he’s really laid back. The only time a prank made him mad was when a bunch of students staged a light-saber battle on stage and it took up half the class.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!