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Hooked On One Ad Only

| Right | June 3, 2015

(We have a small ad board where patrons can pay to put up notices and adverts. Two eagle-eyed old ladies noticed that such a patron is promoting her psychic hotline while also promoting her other business venture… a massage parlour.)

Old Lady #1: “This is completely unacceptable.”

Library Manager: “I do apologise that this might offend you ladies, but there is nothing I can do.”

Old Lady #2: “We demand you take it down!”

Library Manager: “I’m sorry you feel that way, but we cannot prove that her business isn’t legitimate. She has paid for both notices and they are at opposite ends of the board.”

Old Lady #1: “But she is a fraud!”

Old Lady #2: “She is preying on vulnerable people!”

Library Manager: “One moment, are you referring to just her psychic business?”

Old Ladies: “Yes!”

Library Manager: “And you want just that one taken down?”

Old Ladies: “Yes!”

Old Lady #1: “Look, if she’s a hooker she’s probably not a real psychic…”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!