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Child-Like Confusion

| Friendly | November 24, 2015

(My roommate and I decide to watch TV. We put on a popular sci-fi/horror channel since the next program on the schedule is a zombie film that we’re both fans of. Currently a movie that’s in its last 15-20 minutes is on.)

Me: “I’ve never heard of this movie. What’s it about?”

Roommate: “I’ve never heard of it either. Check the description.”

Description: “An evil child is born.”

Roommate: “That’s literally all that it says? There’s nothing else to it?”

(This confuses us even more because currently there are zombies eating people and not a child to be seen throughout the rest of the movie.)

Me: “So the zombie apocalypse was started by the Children of the Corn?”

Roommate: “If that description was accurate, it just raised more questions than it answered!”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!