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Barking Orders

| Friendly | May 10, 2016

(My roommate has two dogs, the younger of which has been misbehaving recently. When the dog misbehaves, my roommate puts him on the balcony of our apartment for a little while before letting him come back inside with us. This happens shortly after the younger dog has come back inside and has joined my roommate on the couch. The other dog is sitting on me while I’m in the armchair when she starts barking.)

Roommate: “[Dog #1], stop that! It’s late and you’ll get the neighbors upset.”

Dog #1: *barks again*

Me: *putting my hand gently around her muzzle* “[Dog #1], no barking. There’s nothing to bark at.”

Dog #1: *barks again*

Roommate: “[Dog #1], if you don’t stop barking you’ll have to go out on the deck like [Dog #2]. You don’t want that, do you?”

Dog #1: *very softly* “Woof.”

(My roommate and I couldn’t help but laugh, especially since she looked at Dog #2 and out at the deck before letting out that one last, almost silent, bark.)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!