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A Targeted Response

| Related | October 26, 2015

(I am about 11. It is one of the few time my parents, who divorced when I was very small, spend time with me together, in this case driving us out to a nice steak dinner. While driving, my mom spots a sign for the store Target.)

Mom: “Oh, that reminds, me, I need to stop at Target and pick up a couple things. I remembered when I saw the… you know, the…” *she gestures at the sign*

Dad: “The target?”

(Mom’s expression drops and she stares dumbfounded.)

Mom: “I… I never put that together until right now! I never realized that was a target, because it’s called ‘Target!'”

Dad & Me: “Seriously?”

(My mom dissolved into laughter at herself while my dad and I looked on in disbelief. I thought it was hilarious, too, but then mom kept laughing, into a true laughing fit. It continued even once we reached the restaurant, and mom was wheezing and red-faced and tearing up over it. I remember my dad being so embarrassed by her, since it was a fancy place, all dim and quiet, but I’ve always thought my mom needed more reasons to laugh, and I’ll never forget seeing her lose it over that silly Target sign as long as I live!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!