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A Killer Answer

| Learning | July 21, 2015

(On certain days of the week, my math teacher asks “mind trap” questions, questions designed to get you to think outside the box. If you answer the question correctly, you get one extra credit point.)

Math Teacher: “One man commits a murder. He and his brother go before a court where he is tried for his crimes. The man is found guilty, but the judge says, ‘I find you guilty and the other person innocent. However, under the circumstances and the law, I am forced to set you both free.’ Why were they both set free?”

(The class proceeds to try to guess the answer, but to no avail. Just when people are starting to give up…)

Student: “Because the murderer had KILLER looks!”

(He was incorrect, but everyone busted out laughing regardless! The correct answer was that the two men were Siamese twins!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!