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Unfiltered Story #28111

Unfiltered | May 27, 2016

(When I was 8, my mom took us to India so we could meet more of her family. Sometimes she would go out with her cousins and leave us at a kids gym for a few hours. There is one overweight girl there.)

Teacher 1: “Okay, run around the playground everyone! (She starts hitting the girl’s bottom with her whistle) Move it fatty!”

(Later when we are inside, everyone is sitting down)

Teacher 2: “No fatty, you can’t sit there, you might break the stool!”

(The strangest part was, the girl didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she looked like she was enjoying the comments. If that had happened in the US, I can’t even imagine the lawsuits!)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!