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Unfiltered Story #56835

Unfiltered | May 27, 2016

(I had to book off a day because something came up and as soon as I found out I wrote my name in the book off book. To book off you have to write your name and ID in an agenda maximum 6 people can book off at a time and have to book off at least a week ahead of time. Our scheduling manager emails our schedule to us every week and he is notorious for sending it out late, I’m also at odds with him)

(Finally got the schedule to find that I still got scheduled to work that day, so I decided to try and not cause a lot of problems. I would post it on the Facebook, we have a group to pick up shifts and give them up with manager approval)

(On Facebook)

Me: “I booked off on this day and I still got a shift… anyone want? (Shift date)”

Coworker: “I can take this”

Me: “oh sorry, someone else asked for it earlier”

Coworker: “Np”

(few days later)

Scheduling Manager: “(my name) u wrote this in the book late”

Me: “…. I’m sorry… Apparently second on the list and written roughly two weeks ago is considered late…. how early do you want it?”

(He never responded)

(Few more days later in store on my next shift, I was extremely frustrated that he never responded to my reply on FB and how he blamed me, so I went to complained to my store manager)

Me: “I’m annoyed that he accused me of not following his rules when he made the mistake, I got multiple coworkers to double check that I wrote my name down because I’m paranoid. My name was even second on the list, He also didn’t respond to the message online”

Store Manager: “Oh, I see… I’ll see if I can clear this up”

(A while later the Scheduling Manager pulled me aside to talk with him)

Scheduling Manager: “(Store Manager) Said you were upset with me”

Me: “Yes”

Scheduling Manager: “I didn’t mean to ignore the message, I fell asleep. I was in such a rush to send out the schedules, I didn’t notice that you were on the list until I looked at the book off book. I’m sorry.”

Scheduling Manager: “we cool?”

Me: “…fine”

Scheduling Manager: “Ok! putting this behind us!” (laughs)

(I have since then taken a picture every time I book off and this type of problems still happen, not to me as much but everyone else but they were afraid to speak up)

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!