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Unfiltered Story #328200

| Unfiltered | May 7, 2024

I’m about 15 at the time of this story. My keyboard teacher phones me to ask some questions about our lesson later that day. She makes some offhand comment about the road.

Me: Wait, you’re driving?

[Teacher]: Yes, b-

Me: [Teacher]! You can’t be on the phone while driving!

[Teacher]: [me], I’m just-

Me: No! I can’t talk to you!

And then I hung up.

When my teacher arrived, she told me that she was using a hands free thing I’d never heard of before. But I was still stubbornly insisting that she shouldn’t be on the phone while driving.

My dad overheard. I got lectured because it was rude to hand up and because Jane’s an adult who can make her own decisions, so I shouldn’t lecture her even if I thought she was doing something wrong, because it’s her choice to do the potentially dangerous thing not mine.

Then today I find out there are studies showing that hands free is just as dangerous as a physical phone, so to both my teacher and my dad I have to be petty and say “I told you so.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!