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Unfiltered Story #328138

| Unfiltered | May 5, 2024

( I am 31, and born in the 90’s, and work as a golf cart attendant at a private country club. There is only one other “older” guy in his late 30s that works in our department, the rest are all high school and young college kids. The inside joke is all these kids look alike. They all have the same hair, wear their khaki shorts on the shorter side, and wear shoes like vans or converse that don’t have a lot of athletic support. Me and the other older coworker are training the latest new hire who is 18.”

Older Coworker: *explaining the daily routine, etc*
Me: “You may want to get some better shoes. Man what is it with you kids not wearing like athletic shoes? Those converse give you like no support.”
New Kid: “Hey they used to wear these for basketball back in the day!”
Me: “yeah like in the 70s and 80s!”
New kid: “yeah, when you were growing up right? (Knowing I’m not that old)”
Me: *trying not to laugh* “1. Screw you, I am not that old! And 2. *turning to our boss who walked out a minute before* can I fire him?”
Boss: “Nope, and after that comment, I might give him a raise!“

(We all started laughing and that new hire has quickly become one of the better employees we have.”

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!