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Unfiltered Story #326670

| Unfiltered | April 29, 2024

It’s Friday morning. I’m in the back with my manager. It’s still pretty early for both of us, so we’re just barely talking. I’ve been in the store for about an hour, doing orders and getting the store prepped to open, and he’s been in about fifteen minutes.

I’m finishing up wrapping a parcel and sending out the tracking number when my manager speaks up.

Manager> What’s that?

Me> What, this? *holds up parcel*

Manager> Yeah, what is that?

Me> …it’s the [company] order?

Manager> The order we just got this morning?

Me> …yes?

Manager> You’ve finished it?! How did you finish it so fast?!

Me> …I’m good at my job?

Manager> No, like…how did you…were you just pulling cards randomly off the shelf?!

Me> …no? I know what I’m doing? It was only like, five hundred cards?

He stares at me, shakes his head, and goes back to his coffee. I guess I’m more of a morning person than he is!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!